
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Barnwood and Beadboard Patriotic Flags

Holidays and big events always seem to get here sooner than you think they will,
or at least they do for me.
I had so many ideas for projects for July 4th.
These barnwood and beadboard flags are finished up just in time.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sunflowers, Garden Progress and Keeping the Deer Out

Today my husband and I celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary!
It has been quite the ride so far.
He took this beach girl from a condo across the street from the ocean in South Florida
 to the base of the Blue Ridge mountains in upstate South Carolina.
I miss the ocean terribly and hopefully we'll move back to it one day...
...but for now, I'm a country girl.
 This country girl has been learning how to grow a garden these past few years.
I started a 4'x4' raised bed container garden 5 years ago
and each year since I've added more raised beds,
but this year we decided to grow a traditional row garden.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dirty White Cabinet gets a Fresh New Farmhouse Look

I mentioned earlier this week that I worked on a little white cabinet to put in my booth
and here it is.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

90 Mile Yard Sale and an Old Cutting Board gets a Patriotic Makeover

This past week was super busy sorting and cleaning all of the treasures that I brought home from the 90 mile yard sale my mother and I went to last weekend.
I'm proud to say that I have organized and cleaned everything.
The items that I purchased for my Etsy shop are listed (some have sold!)
and the items I purchased for my new booth space are displayed there.
Here are a few of the pieces that I added to my Etsy shop.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Super Easy Patriotic Burlap Banner

During a trip to Hobby Lobby this week, I spotted this ready made burlap pennant banner.
It was 1/2 off, so I purchased it.
You can easily make any kind of banner you would like.
I decided to make a patriotic banner to add to my window booth space.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Vintage Seed Sorter Upcycled into a Memo Board

Now that I have my new window booth space to keep full,
 I've been making more of an effort to frequent flea markets.
Recently, I found this cool vintage seed sorter.
It is a perfect combination of weathered wood, rust and galvanized metal.
As soon as I saw it I thought it would make a unique magnetic memo board.