
Monday, April 9, 2012

Large Fork & Spoon Wall Art

Mini Monday Makeover

How fun are these, oversized fork and spoon kitchen wall art!

I picked them up at a garage sale for .50 last Friday. They were old and very dirty, but I liked something about them. I brought them home, cleaned them up, sanded through a layer of blue paint, next a layer of yellow paint and then primed and painted them black.

Little did I know, when I gave them a makeover last Monday, that they were Pottery Barn mini knock offs! I was just browsing through the online catalog today and ran across these. (I guess my garage sale taste isn't so bad after all)

Funny how my vintage version is almost identical, except for the size. PB fork and spoon measure 48.5" long and mine are 20" long. They both are metal, have simple lines and even the handles have similar details.

Maybe you've got a set packed away somewhere that could use a makeover?
'til next time,


  1. These are really cute. Maybe it's Pottery Barn that's actually knocking off large versions of YOUR garage sale finds! Hah! Love it!

  2. I like the way you think Laurel! Thank you.

  3. Wow, only 50 cents!! That is a score! Yours really do look very similar to Pottery Barns. They are so cute!

  4. You scored! LUCKY!

  5. My daughter bought me some of these...and I think Pottery Barn ...knocked these off. You have an original /VINTAGE pair from the 70's.
    Especially if they're smaller.
    that is what I have. Mine fit inside one of my old kitchen drawers. I coined it the 'silver ware drawer'...
    it's an old post... but check it out, I think we have the same set!

    love your blog! ...I'm off to read more.

    nice to meet you, came over via FJI- SNS #129

  6. Hi Adina!
    Popping in from Teagan's Travels to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster Blogger award! Check out my post today to get the scoop!

    Thanks for the weekly inspiration on my Tuesday linky party!
    Michelle @ Teagan's Travels

  7. Wow! what a great deal. What a great knockoff of Pottery Barn and for only 50 cents!
