
Friday, November 21, 2014

Cutting Board Repurposed into Ipad Stand

When I ran across two cutting boards at a thrift store recently, Susan came to mind.
Susan from Homeroad.
She has a fun blog with a ton of great inspiration.
This project is a copycat.
It is an Ipad stand made from a cutting board and a Scrabble game tile holder.
You have to check Susans versions out here. I just love them.

Here's the before

I started out by sanding the cutting boards really well to remove most of the cut marks from them.

Then cut pieces of scrap wood to make stands and glued them onto the back of each cutting board 
with wood glue and glued the Scrabble tile holders onto the fronts.
I also nailed the pieces on, with a nail gun and small nails, to make sure they would be secure.
I filled in the nail holes with wood filler and sanded them again.

Then I painted them with a couple coats of white paint and lightly distressed the edges.

That's it.

These went to the vintage market with us a couple weeks ago and one of them sold, 
which is why I do not have a picture of it completed.
If you want to check out the booth we had there, click here.
You can see some of the other repurposed projects we made for the booth here and here.

I have been thinking about adding a graphic to this one to make it more fun,
what do you think?

I don't have an Ipad yet, but I can see where this would be super handy to look at a recipe while cooking.
I still lug my laptop onto the dining table and run back and forth to check the recipe.

Have a great day!

'til next time,
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Linking to:
My Repurposed Life


  1. I am loving this. I really like the white, too!!! :-)

    Hope you are staying warm!!

    1. Thanks Sherri! It is beautiful out today. I'm working on taking an old bed box spring apart for the springs and the sun feels GOOD :)

  2. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!!
    ~ Christina in Cleveland
