
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Barb Wire and Horseshoe Wreath

I am very blessed to be great friends with my mom.
She lives about three hours from me in western North Carolina.
I was able to spend two days with her last week and
like always, I came home with goodies.
Two barb wire wreaths were some of the goodies from this trip.
Some time ago, my brother had been visiting with her
and was helping my dad with some of the fencing.
There was some old rusty barb wire they tore down and didn't need,
so rather than disposing of it, he rolled it into wreaths for her.
My farrier neighbor gave me a dozen horseshoes last fall and I still have a few left.
I thought they would be perfect to incorporate into the barb wire wreaths.
I have made a few projects with some of the horseshoes already.
You can see them here, here and here.

I had to wire brush and really clean the barb wire and the horseshoes,
they were super dirty and rusty.
After they were cleaned, I sprayed them with a clear matte protective sealer.
I wired the horseshoes to the bottom of the barb wire wreath and
added little white daisies, green sprays and a white burlap bow to the top.
Wouldn't this wreath be pretty for a rustic country wedding.
This one is available in my Etsy shop.

I have another barb wire wreath and two more horseshoes,
so I can make a matching one
or I could come up with a totally different design.
I live in a horse farm area and can see this hanging on the front porch of a country home.
I love all of the horses around me, but secretly, I'm a little scared of them and don't ride.
(In my defense, I did take a nasty fall from one when I was sixteen.)
Is anyone else intimidated by horses or am I just strange?
'til next time,
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Linking to:
Design Dining and Diapers - Inspiration Gallery
The Pin Junkie
 My Repurposed Life - Catch as Catch Can


  1. First thing I thought was country wedding. You ate talented :) once again, you did a beautiful job!

    Have a wonderful evening!


    1. I wish I had tapped into this talent when I was getting married. I think browsing Pinterest helps spark ideas. Thank you Sherri.

  2. Hi Adina,
    This is a lovely wreath. I like the simplicity of it. I love the drawing of your cabin in your . I nominated you for the Liebster can find out about this award at

    1. Hi Trish, thank you so much for the compliment on the wreath. You are the first person to comment on the cabin in my blog header! It was sketched from a picture of our cabin by a beautiful artist that I actually babysat when she was much younger. Thank you for the nomination and I'm off to go check out this award!!!!
      Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a great weekend!

  3. So cute....simple but eye catching.

  4. I've been wanting to make a barbed wire wreath. Love yours with the horse shoes!

    1. Cecilia, thank you! I'm super pleased with how it came out.

  5. What a cute idea! And that's special that the wire came from your parents property!

  6. I am the opposite of you - I got bit by a horse at a petting farm, requiring a few stitches, when I was 4 yrs old and you would think I would be scared of them like you - makes sense right? Not me this was more like a Spiderman event for me I got horse fever in my blood and have loved them all my life and own 5 now. You are normal in being a bit scared after falling off - that's where the saying comes from "when you fall off a horse you have to get back on" - if you don't do it right away, it is easy to lose your courage. I LOVE this idea and just replaced some old fence so have old barb wire kicking around and horseshoes to so want to make this with a Christmas spin - thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Oh how I wish I would've conquered that fear long ago. I've tried riding a few times recently and I get so nervous. How great that you overcame it and have your own horses. We live in such a beautiful area to ride and most of our neighbors have horses. Perhaps one day. How funny you mentioned a Christmas wreath, I just made one last week. Here's a link to it, if you would like to see it.
