
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Daffodil Watering Can Centerpiece

Here in South Carolina we have been super blessed with warmer temps these last few days.
It definitely makes it feel like Spring,
especially when daffodils are blooming everywhere.
I brought a little spring indoors today by creating a centerpiece
using daffodils, a rustic wood tray and a few thrifted watering cans.
I found this set of three cute watering cans last fall
and purchased them to use this spring.

Daffodils are so bright and cheerful.
I definitely wanted to incorporate them into my spring decor.
Although, I wasn't really sure how I wanted to do it.
Then it hit me.
Get out the little watering cans that you bought last year and
place a bulb of daffodils in each one.
Lucky me, I had to go grocery shopping today.
You are probably wondering what was so lucky about that.
Well - the lucky part was that the grocery store had individual daffodil bulbs for .98 cents!

After I had all of the groceries put away,
I replanted the daffodils into the watering cans and covered the dirt with moss that I had.

I decided to arrange them on a rustic wood tray.
 (another thrift store purchase)
I added a piece of burlap to cover the ugly painting on the tray.
Lastly, a nest with an egg, that I already had, completed it.
Hopefully these daffodils will last a week or so
and then it will be just about time to create an Easter centerpiece.
You can take a peek at last years Easter centerpiece here.
It is a Martha Stewart copycat.
Have you brought any bright blooms into your home lately?
If so, what kind of flowers were they?
I hope these brighten your day and bring you some warmth.
'til next time,
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  1. Good Morning Adina - I love your center piece. So perfect for spring! I am in love with that rustic tray. I have been bringing fresh flowers lately, and putting them in a white pitcher on my dining table.

    I hope your day is EXTRA BLESSED :)


    1. Don't you just love fresh flowers Sherri. I know I do. Flowers in a white pitcher is by far my all time favorite centerpiece!
      Thank you so much for being such a blessing to me. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. What a cute idea. I love flowers and I'm so ready for spring. I love the nest of eggs too. Thanks for a great idea, I often loose inspiration when it comes to center pieces.

    1. Sami - thank you so much for stopping by and for the compliment! It actually looks better in our cabin than in these pics. I think the yellow pops more against our dark table and the log walls.

  3. I adore daffodils! I have bulbs started for an Easter centerpiece. I'm not hosting, but instead creating a hostess gift for my grandmother.

    1. Oh I'm sure your grandmother will love it! How thoughtful of you. Daffodils seem to brighten any space!
